What do bees have to do with an additive manufacturer?

“The hard-working insects and their pollination services not only ensure that the plant world continues to exist and its diversity is maintained. Pollinators also make it possible for numerous creatures that depend on meadows, hedges or trees to have habitats for cover, reproduction and food. Humans are also dependent on pollinating insects, because without pollination…

HECO®FLAM 590 PP halogen-free flame retardant

HECO®FLAM 590 PP halogen-free flame retardant Halogen-free flame retardants are becoming more and more interesting due to their better environmental compatibility. Since we at HECOPLAST® are passionate about sustainability ourselves, we have done everything we can with our research and development to be able to offer you the first halogen-free flame retardant in our product…

Close to home also in sporting matters

We have joined the supporters’ club of our local DEL ice hockey club, the Iserlohn Roosters. Through our commitment and that of many partners, the conditions for continuous development in sport are created. Also through our contribution, young talent can be promoted even more and thus the foundation for the successes of the future can…